41. If you could install one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?

Make a mark on the world. Engage in affairs your passionate about, do that drama production, play that sport that ‘only X type of people do’, do what is seen now as ‘out of the box’. Ultimately one day, in decades to come you’ll have to answer yourself. You want a life that will enable you to look back on your decisions and reflect on the memories rather than regret them.

40.Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

I feel the ability to simply not care on occasion is a powerful thought of mind I don’t use nearly enough. It would solve the issues of over-thinking and in result, missing out on things that in hindsight, I would have loved to do.

Yet a simple life for me seems rather plain. It screams out repetitive and perhaps even dull. The thought of being ‘genius’ [or perhaps more realistically, thinking out the box/examining and deconstructing arguments] is intriguing and the opposite of plain – it allows self development, enrichment and furthering of one’s own education. Who could say no to that?

Zero Hours; Zero Life?

Perhaps the issue is going ‘out of fashion’ yet the issue has only really ‘hit home’ with me recently.


One month ago I was regularly given 5 shifts a week with each shift giving me substantial paid hours. I had no money problems. I almost recklessly spent money. I didn’t think twice about splashing out when I wanted to. I was perfectly fine. I was in a position where I felt I could save – you know, because it’s the ‘adult’ thing to do.


Today I am given one shift a week yet even this is not guaranteed. Today I am prolonging my food shopping – I’ve developed a skill of coming up with two ingredient meals [rice and mashed chickpeas tastes slightly less bland that it sounds]. Today pay day seems like saviour day rather than mere ‘top up’ day.  Today I’m utilising the student discount religiously – the pound I saved today I would have laughed at for being insignificant a month ago.


I confess I haven’t been the most conscious of shoppers since living independently from my parents. My biggest downfall? The £2.30 [almost] daily black Americano from various big brand coffees. Cutting these out of day would save a significant amount in the long term, especially as I have the home alternative, but it’s perhaps a sorry state of affairs when one now considers take away coffee such a luxury – when one can’t afford to spare a mere 200 pence a day.


I’ll look forward to my pay day and I’ll be sure to stay away from ‘luxuries’.

33. If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose?

I first read the question and instantly thought of George Orwell’s class ‘1984’. It’s perhaps an important reminder of how crucial individuality is in society. Controversial, but thought-provoking.


Also, some mind of history book should be mandatory reading. History has the potential to teach us too much for generations to be ignorant of it – it’s also interesting to read[!] After all: ‘if you don’t know history then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it’s part of a tree’ [Michael Crichton]